February 2023
Issues have been experienced with CRG163, by way of starting sluggishly and then not at all.
Following further inspection and testing it appears that one of the new batteries purchased late last year was faulty, but has been quickly replaced by Dereks Tyres following testing. Even as a temporary solution new batteries were loaned in fairness from the supplier, Dereks Tyres but were not used. The service redeived from Dereks Tyres has been excellent as always. Thank you!
I may also have potential issues with either CRG163’s alternator or regulator so we are now in the process of removing both for off site testing and repair if required. My grateful thanks for the advice, contacts and valued support from Roger Downs, Dylan Humphreys, Robert Humphreys and Arwel Thomas.
Roger has been invaluable in his advice. Brian Robert Humphreys (Crosville Caernarfon depot) and his son Dylan Humphreys have been great in providing contact details for a local tester and potential repairer for the alternator/regulator (if required) and Arwel has been absolutely brilliant in providing engineering support as and when he is available between other things in his own life.
So very important to name friends who have been supportive behind the scenes with CRG163.
Arwel Thomas is also restoring a Plaxton Supreme IV coach (WCC92V) once owned and operated by his family’s company - Silver Star Coaches of Caernarfon: https://flic.kr/p/2iVUxKU .
CRG163’s alternator in the process of being removed, sitting on top of the impressive Gardner 6HLX engine.
27 February 2023
The alternator, regulator and regulator housing have been removed tonight for testing off site and repaired if required.