Follow up-to-date news about CRG163’s on-going journey here and those connected to the vehicle. Developments are listed in date order with the most recent news at the top of this page.

Nadolig Llawen / Merry Christmas

Dymunwn y gorau i chi oll ar gyfer yr Wŷl. / Sending nest wishes of the Season to all. (25.12.24)

Rhag i ni anghofio / Lest we forget

So very important we remember and not forget. (09.11.24)

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda / Happy New Year

Blwyddyn newydd dda i chi gyd, a diolch am ddilyn CRG163 drwy 2023! 🥳 Happy new year to you all and my grateful thanks for following all things CRG163 during 2023! 🥳

Nadolig Llawen / Merry Christmas!

Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd! 🎄☃️ Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄☃️