Rawlings Vortex Ventilators

Two Rawlings Vortex Ventilators are presently being sought.  If anyone has any details or leads please do get in touch.

There are other fellow bus preservationists in a similar space.  Having a number of new ventilators produced could be a way forward to reproduce these ventilators for a number of vehicles?

A close up image of one of the nearside ventilator on CRG163 back in 2004.

A wider image of the roof ventilators on CRG163 back in 2004.

A more recent image of one of the roof ventilators on CRG163, taken during 2024.  Both ventilators have deteriorated in this way on the vehicle unfortunately.

An original Rawlings advert for such ventilators.

Another original Rawlings advert for the Vortex ventilators from back in the day.

Searching for information and contact details

In researching the Rawlings Vortex Ventilators, it appears that a Mr Nick Webster at one point has remanufactured such units from new as shown on the Dennis Society website from the following helpful web link: https://www.dennissociety.org.uk/nl/roofv.html .

Does anyone have Mr Webster’s contact details please so that contact can be made with him to discuss the production of new units or to be able to find the dimensions/measurements/plans of the units so that they can be produced from new?  An e-mail has been sent to the society’s chairman to enquire with a reply awaited. Thank you.

If anyone has any other leads, then please do get in touch.

Please e-mail post@crg163.com if you have contact details for suppliers or original unit dimensions/measurements.  You can also send a message by clicking HERE.

Thank you.